So I am nearing the 38 week mark of this pregnancy and I thought I would play a little game on here to see you can guess the weight of baby Nathan John (yes that is his name) and his length and the date you think he will come. I don't know if there will be a prize or not for this, mostly because we are moving as soon as this little guy is born and I don't know when I would get to that but if you win you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are a great guesser.
So leave your guesses in the comments section. If it helps any (and I don't think it will) Sammy and Jakie were around 17 1/2 inches and between 5 lbs 5 oz and 5 lbs 14 oz and they were born 5 weeks early and my due date is May 28th for Nathan.
Gangguan Kreatif
3 years ago
That's so exciting you are so close to delivery! I hope that all goes well for you! My guess is May 21st. 8lb.9oz. 21in.
Good Luck!
this is a shot in the dark, but: 8lb 3 oz, may 23rd is my guess. Good luck to you as the final count down begins till you meet nathan!
I am going to go for May 28th, 8lbs 5 oz and 21 inches.
For your sake I hope you don't have to wait that long. My first was 3 weeks early and the last two have both been past.
I am going to go with May 22 21 1/2 length and 7lbs 8 oz
I say 8lb 2oz and 21 1/2inches long!Im so excited for you!!
My guess is 8 lbs. 2 oz. Can't wait to see him!!
My guess is May 26th, 7 lbs. 15 oz., 21 in. It's getting so close!!!!! Congrats to Alan on his job by the way, how exciting!
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