Some of you may think we had fallen off the face of the earth, but alas, no we are still around we've just been busy potty training, and I am happy to say things have been pretty successful so far. We have had our ups and downs, but the boys pulled through and are successfully potty training. YEAH! For those of you who have never potty trained you may be thinking, what's the big deal, well it is a big deal, trust me.
Anyway, enough about all that. We have been trying to keep busy in this wonderful weather we have been having (except for today's torrential downpour). Here are some pictures of the boys enjoying the weather, picnics outside, tricycle rides, what more could a 2 1/2 year old love more.The boys have been trying to be big helpers too. They love, love, love to help with the dishes, don't you love their organizational skills (check out the drawer.)
Jacob loves his daddy. The other day he put on one of Alan's old hats and his slippers and announced with a huge grin that he was daddy. I am glad that Alan is such a good example for them!
Gangguan Kreatif
3 years ago
Congrats on potty training them! That must have been really fun.
The boys are getting so big. Potty training marks a pretty big milestone. Jealous of your nice weather and they are able to ride bikes. I'd do about anything to have bike riding weather right now. The ol' Cache Valley inversions are driving us nuts! Miss you guys.
Cute pictures! Kids just get more fun the older they get it seems :) Congrats on potty training! And it looks so warm there! That must be lovely! It's been in the 40's here and has felt like a heat wave! Although I'm sure you remember the days in Finland where -10 felt almost warm compared to -30 :)
Yay, BIG pictures! The top one is my favorite. And the silverware drawer one. It looks just like the drawer at our house (we also LOVE Ikea kid's silverware), especially after Reagan "helps" me put the silverware away.
The organization in the drawer is amazing. It looks a LOT better than my drawer!
Potty training is a HUGE deal for one child, I can't imagine two! You are a saint!
Yea! Congrats! Hope you are doing well! I think about you often!
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